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Get to know me :)

Hello! My name is Kate, the author and producer of this site. I wanted to create a home base that could be a resource to other models or people interested in becoming a model. I have had so many wonderful and enlightening experiences in the modeling industry, through the models I’ve met, clients I’ve worked with, and markets I’ve traveled to.

Do you want to become a model, have recently been signed with an agency, or looking for something that you can relate to as an already-established model? When I was just starting out, I wish I had someone or something to help guide me through the industry. It can feel very lonely even when on the outside, everyone thinks it's all glitz and glamour. I believe every girl has felt this way once or twice before, and it can certainly heighten in an industry so focused on physicality.

I started working on a regular basis when I signed with a boutique and placement-specific mother agency. I didn't know exactly what that even meant at the start, but soon realized it was the best decision I could've made for my modeling career. I have been with Her Model Management ( for just about 3 years now, and have had the most worldly experiences in the span of less than one year (more on that later).


I’m really excited to start sharing more about my journey and how I can be a resource, or even simply a fun read for those interested in this seemingly small world. Stay tuned and follow along for the inside scoop on the realities of being an international model.


Kate xoxo



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